Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weekend Treasures

I want to start off by apologizing to my followers for being absent so long. It's amazing how fast time goes by! I will do my best not to be absent so long next time. 

This weekend we are visiting my husbands family in a sweet little town in North Georgia. Today, we took a drive through my favorite town square and even got stopped by a stalled train.  

After the train finally cleared the tracks we made our way out one of our favorite spots. An old mill town with a covered bridge. 

To our surprise and advantage they have recently added an antique store in one of the old buildings and we found two sweet treasures from our stroll through the store. 

This little beauty was 50¢...yep that's right, fifty cents!

Have a wonderful Mother's Day and stay tuned for a post on first time gardening.